The Frank Message Bootcamp enables new women business owners to go from being completely overwhelmed by marketing and not knowing what the *@$%& to do, to focused on exactly what you need to do to create an overall marketing message framework for your entire brand, to attract more customers and increase profits. Plus, you'll have more fun (and time) because you'll finally understand what the bajeezus you're doing.
Here's a sweet, free guide on how to avoid the 8 most common website pitfalls. You won't want to miss out on this one.
I want you to succeed, so dive in and let me know if you have any questions!
I have spent three decades as a marketing expert and I’ve also started several successful companies, including Frank + Candor, my advertising agency. I’ve also helped Fortune 500 companies make gazillions. But my passion is helping small business owners, like you, launch successfully with focused branding and messaging so you can make a bigger impact with the community you want to serve.
Counselor - I love to help people.
Sleeping in late with Georgie-dog.
Nordstrom, Stitch Fix. Help.
A smeller! Handy with wine tasting.
Warm sand, cool drinks.
Too easy.
Aimee Mann...from 80s to now!
Georgie the frenchton
always, always, and aways
Dogs are the best says this former cat-only girl. They know how to hang and be goofy. And look rediculously cute without trying.
At the risk of sounding woo-woo, I love me some burning palo santo and incense. It just makes me feel so spa-zen.
Nothing can really beat family in my book. My husband, Randy, and my two grown daughters are my loves. Oh, and Georgie, too.
Taking time to just be, is me. I love the freedom that a vacation brings. I can unwind and let go of my perfectionism. Joy!
Girls night!
Anything taco.
Whip cream on the whisk.
This Is Us.
Having my whole family together.
Letting the dog out at night.
Standing in line at the pharmacy.
Green beans. Eww.
Soft jazz. (Sorry, Dad.)
An empty fridge.
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Your dreams deserve to see their fullest expression. They're so much bigger than you.
I'll walk you through key marketing methods to build a powerhouse brand.